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Turn on Android Device Manager

Note: If you’re using a tablet with multiple users, only the tablet owner can manage the settings for Android Device Manager.
  1. Open  Google Settings from your device’s apps menu.
  2. Touch Android Device Manager.
You can turn on the following options:
  • Remotely locate this device. Remotely locate a device and find its approximate location on Google Maps. For devices running 4.1 and higher, location access must also be enabled. To turn it on, go to Google Settings > Location > Access location.
  • Allow remote lock and factory reset. Remotely lock or erase all data on your device. You can also change the lock screen passcode. Touch this option, then select Activate to turn on the device administrator.

Use Android Device Manager

  1. Sign in to your Google Account on android.com/devicemanager. If you're using a Google Apps account, you will sign in to your My Devices page. All devices associated with your Google Account receive a notification to enable it if it’s turned off.
  2. If you have more than one device, select th


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What's so different about HTML5?
There's a couple of great new approaches that are taking place in the HTML5 description.
The Rise of WebApps
First, the language is being built around WebApps...small focused applications that can run on a browser or as a mobile application. The new version of HTML has features like offline storage or the ability to handle data even when the app is no longer connected to the internet, geo-location or the ability to detect and work with the location of the user as well as excellent rich media support...providing easy to implement audio and video elements.
More descriptive semantics
The original goal of HTML was to develop a language that could describe the structure of a document. As the web grew, developers realized that oftentimes they were describing the same types of elements. For example...a header, a footer, nav, articles, sections, etc. HTML5 recognizes where the language has developed and incorporates those elements into the language with new tags for that type of content.
Richer Media Elements
One of the great new improvments in HTML5 is the development of rich media tags like audio and video. Fully programmable with JavaScript, these tags offer incredible ease of use while also offering powerful flexibility through extensive access to media elements through programming
Why not HTML5?
I wish we could all be using HTML5 today, but the reality is that there's a few problems that prevent the language from use in modern websites.
Browser Support
The main problem with HTML5's acceptance is that only modern browsers support it. By modern, I mean almost everything except for Internet Explorer. The new version...IE9 offers excellent support, but as of this writing it's not quite out of beta. Even if it were, the majority of people will still use older versions of IE for quite some time. There are things you can do to make the language play nice with older browsers, but none of them are perfect.
The Language is a Spec
Another problem is that although parts of the language are very stable, the language itself is considered a work in progress, so technically, any of the elements could change at any time. The language is not expected to be completed for several years, which complicates things further. Thankfully, a lot of the language is considered stable and ready to use. I think it's such a great move forward, that you should develop a Graceful Degradation approach to writing your HTML. That simply means writing HTML that will work with older browsers, but will offer users with more modern browsers an enhanced experience.
Media Licensing Issues
Another ugly fact about HTML5 is that because of licensing issues, rich media has to be compressed in multiple formats in order to be compatible with most browsers. So you'll probably use something like mp3 audio for webkit browsers (safari, chrome), and ogg for mozilla (firefox) browsers. It involves a bit more work and it is a pain, but hopefully those issues will be resolved soon.


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The Advantages and Disadvantages of HTML5
HTML5 is the hottest thing in web development. In this article, I wanted to discuss the background surrounding HTML5 development and point to the advantages and disadvantages to using the language today. I'm going to write a more detailed series in the future, detailing specific elements of the language as well as practical examples of the language.
What is HTML5?
HTML5 is the newest version of the HyperText Markup Language that was developed in the late 80's in order to describe documents that linked to each other. In it's early days, HTML's role was simple...to help describe a document's structure and to allow cross-linking of documents.
The language is a Markup Language...a way to enhance a text file with bits of code (markup) that describes the structure of the document. Think of it as what your teachers did to your english schoolpapers. When they corrected it, they marked it up...probably in red to tell you what things needed to change to hopefully make your documents better.
Today the language has grown substantially and it's gained two allies that are closely associated with it. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is supposed to help HTML look great by describing the way that the document is supposed to look. JavaScript is supposed to build interactivity.
What's so different about HTML5?
There's a couple of great new approaches that are taking place in the HTML5 description.
The Rise of WebApps
First, the language is being built around WebApps...small focused applications that can run on a browser or as a mobile application. The new version of HTML has features like offline storage or the ability to handle data even when the app is no longer connected to the internet, geo-location or the ability to detect and work with the location of the user as well as excellent rich media support...providing easy to implement audio and video elements.
More descriptive semantics
The original goal of HTML was to develop a language that could describe the structure of a document. As the web grew, developers realized that oftentimes they were describing the same types of elements. For example...a header, a footer, nav, articles, sections, etc. HTML5 recognizes where the language has developed and incorporates those elements into the language with new tags for that type of content.
Richer Media Elements
One of the great new improvments in HTML5 is the development of rich media tags like audio and video. Fully programmable with JavaScript, these tags offer incredible ease of use while also offering powerful flexibility through extensive access to media elements through programming
Why not HTML5?
I wish we could all be using HTML5 today, but the reality is that there's a few problems that prevent the language from use in modern websites.
Browser Support
The main problem with HTML5's acceptance is that only modern browsers support it. By modern, I mean almost everything except for Internet Explorer. The new version...IE9 offers excellent support, but as of this writing it's not quite out of beta. Even if it were, the majority of people will still use older versions of IE for quite some time. There are things you can do to make the language play nice with older browsers, but none of them are perfect.
The Language is a Spec
Another problem is that although parts of the language are very stable, the language itself is considered a work in progress, so technically, any of the elements could change at any time. The language is not expected to be completed for several years, which complicates things further. Thankfully, a lot of the language is considered stable and ready to use. I think it's such a great move forward, that you should develop a Graceful Degradation approach to writing your HTML. That simply means writing HTML that will work with older browsers, but will offer users with more modern browsers an enhanced experience.
Media Licensing Issues
Another ugly fact about HTML5 is that because of licensing issues, rich media has to be compressed in multiple formats in order to be compatible with most browsers. So you'll probably use something like mp3 audio for webkit browsers (safari, chrome), and ogg for mozilla (firefox) browsers. It involves a bit more work and it is a pain, but hopefully those issues will be resolved soon.


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